Update README.md

Simon Küppers 2022-12-25 10:57:17 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic daaa27f198
commit e3562f32a1
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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ and a virtual tty ("COM Port") for programming and asserting the PTT (Push-To-Ta
## Future Work ##
- Enclosure (DIY using 3D-Printed mold and Resin)
- Maybe integrate a TNC Modem with KISS interface? (I am not sure if that is worth the effort)
- Maybe change the USB-C connector type due to sporadic connection issues with JLCPCB's SMT reflow process
![Top side of PCB](doc/images/k1-aioc-photo.jpg?raw=true "Top side of PCB")