{ "translations": { "🎉 Nextcloud becomes part of the federated social networks!" : "🎉 Nexcloud federatutako sare sozialekin bat egiten du!", "Open documentation" : "Ireki dokumentazioa", "ActivityPub URL base" : "ActivityPub URL oinarria", "Finish setup" : "Amaitu ezarpena", "Home" : "Hasiera", "Direct messages" : "Mezu zuzenak", "Notifications" : "Jakinarazpenak", "Profile" : "Profila", "Local timeline" : "Tokiko denbora-lerroa", "Global timeline" : "Denbora-lerro globala", "Following" : "Jarraitzen", "Post publicly" : "Argitaratu publikoki", "Post to followers" : "Argitaratu jarraitzaileentzat", "Post to recipients" : "Argitaratu jasotzaileentzat", "Post unlisted" : "Argitaratu zerrendatu gabe", "Public" : "Publikoa", "Post to public timelines" : "Argitaratu denbora-lerro publikoetan", "Unlisted" : "Zerrendatu gabea", "Do not post to public timelines" : "Ez argitaratu denbora-lerro publikoetan", "Followers" : "Jarraitzaileak", "Post to followers only" : "Argitaratu jarraitzaileentzat soilik", "Direct" : "Zuzena", "Post to mentioned users only" : "Argitaratu aipatutako erabiltzaileentzat soilik", "Unfollow" : "Utzi jarraitzeari", "Follow" : "Jarraitu", "posts" : "mezuak", "following" : "jarraitzen", "followers" : "jarraitzaileak", "No results found" : "Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu", "There were no results for your search:" : "Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu zure bilaketarentzat:", "Searching for" : "Bilaketa", "boosted" : "bultzatua", "No posts found" : "Ez da mezurik aurkitu", "Posts from people you follow will show up here" : "Jarraitzen duzun jendearen mezuak hemen agertuko dira", "No direct messages found" : "Ez da mezu zuzenik aurkitu", "Posts directed to you will show up here" : "Zuri zuzendutako mezuak hemen agertuko dira", "No local posts found" : "Ez da tokiko mezurik aurkitu", "Posts from other people on this instance will show up here" : "Instantzia honetako beste jendearen mezuak hemen agertuko dira", "No global posts found" : "Ez da mezu globalik aurkitu", "Posts from federated instances will show up here" : "Federatutako instantzien mezuak hemen agertuko dira", "No posts found for this tag" : "Ez da mezurik aurkitu etiketa honentzat", "Reply" : "Erantzun", "Boost" : "Bultzada", "Like" : "Gogokoa", "More actions" : "Ekintza gehiago", "Delete post" : "Ezabatu mezua", "Follow on Nextcloud Social" : "Jarraitu Nextcloud Social bidez", "Hello" : "Kaixo", "Please confirm that you want to follow this account:" : "Baieztatu kontu hau jarraitu nahi duzula:", "You are following this account" : "Kontu hau jarraitzen duzu", "Close" : "Itxi", "You are going to follow:" : "Hau jarraituko duzu:", "name@domain of your federation account" : "zure federazio kontuaren izena@domeinua", "Continue" : "Jarraitu", "This step is needed as the user is probably not registered on the same server as you are. We will redirect you to your homeserver to follow this account." : "Urrats hau beharrezkoa da erabiltzailea ez duelako zertan zure zerbitzari berean erregistratuta egon. Zure hasiera-zerbitzarira bideratuko dizugu kontu hau jarraitu dezazun.", "User not found" : "Ez da erabiltzailea aurkitu", "Sorry, we could not find the account of {userId}" : "Sentitzen dugu, ezin izan dugu {userId} erabiltzailearen kontua aurkitu", "Nextcloud becomes part of the federated social networks!" : "Nexcloud federatutako sare sozialekin bat egiten du!", "Follow Nextcloud on mastodon.xyz" : "Jarraitu Nextcloud mastodon.xyz zerbitzarian" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }