import { List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable'; import { fetchAnnouncements, dismissAnnouncement, addReaction, removeReaction } from 'soapbox/actions/announcements'; import { __stub } from 'soapbox/api'; import { mockStore, rootState } from 'soapbox/jest/test-helpers'; import { normalizeAnnouncement, normalizeInstance } from 'soapbox/normalizers'; import type { APIEntity } from 'soapbox/types/entities'; const announcements = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/announcements.json'); describe('fetchAnnouncements()', () => { describe('with a successful API request', () => { it('should fetch announcements from the API', async() => { const state = rootState .set('instance', normalizeInstance({ version: '3.5.3' })); const store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/announcements').reply(200, announcements); }); const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_REQUEST', skipLoading: true }, { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_SUCCESS', announcements, skipLoading: true }, { type: 'POLLS_IMPORT', polls: [] }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [] }, { type: 'STATUSES_IMPORT', statuses: [], expandSpoilers: false }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchAnnouncements()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); describe('dismissAnnouncement', () => { describe('with a successful API request', () => { it('should mark announcement as dismissed', async() => { const store = mockStore(rootState); __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost('/api/v1/announcements/1/dismiss').reply(200); }); const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_DISMISS_REQUEST', id: '1' }, { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_DISMISS_SUCCESS', id: '1' }, ]; await store.dispatch(dismissAnnouncement('1')); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); describe('addReaction', () => { let store: ReturnType; beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .setIn(['announcements', 'items'], ImmutableList((announcements).map((announcement: APIEntity) => normalizeAnnouncement(announcement)))) .setIn(['announcements', 'isLoading'], false); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { it('should add reaction to a post', async() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPut('/api/v1/announcements/2/reactions/📉').reply(200); }); const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_ADD_REQUEST', id: '2', name: '📉', skipLoading: true }, { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_ADD_SUCCESS', id: '2', name: '📉', skipLoading: true }, ]; await store.dispatch(addReaction('2', '📉')); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); describe('removeReaction', () => { let store: ReturnType; beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .setIn(['announcements', 'items'], ImmutableList((announcements).map((announcement: APIEntity) => normalizeAnnouncement(announcement)))) .setIn(['announcements', 'isLoading'], false); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { it('should remove reaction from a post', async() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onDelete('/api/v1/announcements/2/reactions/📉').reply(200); }); const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_REMOVE_REQUEST', id: '2', name: '📉', skipLoading: true }, { type: 'ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_REMOVE_SUCCESS', id: '2', name: '📉', skipLoading: true }, ]; await store.dispatch(removeReaction('2', '📉')); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); });