--- # project information project_name: cloud9 project_url: "https://github.com/c9/core" project_logo: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/cloud9.png" project_blurb: | [{{ project_name|capitalize }}]({{ project_url }}) Cloud9 is a complete web based IDE with terminal access. This container is for running their core SDK locally and developing plugins. project_lsio_github_repo_url: "https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-{{ project_name }}" project_deprecation_status: true project_deprecation_message: | We recommend looking at our code-server and openvscode-server containers as potential replacements. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-openvscode-server # supported architectures available_architectures: - { arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"} - { arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"} - { arch: "{{ arch_armhf }}", tag: "arm32v7-latest"} # development version development_versions: true development_versions_items: - { tag: "latest", desc: "Docker and Compose environment pre-installed" } - { tag: "go", desc: "Basic Golang environment pre-installed" } - { tag: "nodejs", desc: "Current stable NodeJS/NPM environment pre-installed" } - { tag: "python", desc: "Current Python3 environment pre-installed" } - { tag: "ruby", desc: "Current Ruby environment pre-installed" } # container parameters param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}" param_usage_include_ports: true param_ports: - { external_port: "8000", internal_port: "8000", port_desc: "The port for the Cloud9 web interface" } param_usage_include_env: true param_env_vars: - { env_var: "TZ", env_value: "Europe/London", desc: "Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London"} # optional params opt_param_usage_include_vols: true opt_param_volumes: - { vol_path: "/code", vol_host_path: "/path/to/your/code", desc: "Optionally if you want to mount up a local folder of code instead of checking out" } - { vol_path: "/var/run/docker.sock", vol_host_path: "/var/run/docker.sock", desc: "Needed if you plan to use Docker or compose commands" } opt_param_usage_include_env: true opt_param_env_vars: - { env_var: "GITURL", env_value: "https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-cloud9.git", desc: "Specify a git repo to checkout on first startup"} - { env_var: "USERNAME", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally specify a username for http auth"} - { env_var: "PASSWORD", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally specify a password for http auth (if USERNAME and PASSWORD are not set, there will be no http auth)"} # application setup block app_setup_block_enabled: true app_setup_block: | Access the webui at http://your-ip:8000, for more information check out [here](https://docs.c9.io/docs). # changelog changelogs: - { date: "23.06.22:", desc: "Deprecate image." } - { date: "07.02.20:", desc: "Add optional http auth." } - { date: "02.06.19:", desc: "Initial Release." }