import logging from django.conf import settings from mailings.models import OutgoingEmail from store.models import Product from store.admin import ProductAdmin logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO - those should be modified to be celery tasks def send_produt_request_email(variant_pk: int): try: variant = Product.objects.get(pk=variant_pk) except Product.DoesNotExist: logger.exception(f"Product with pk={variant_pk} does not exist") try: admin_url = ProductAdmin().url_helper.get_action_url("edit", send = OutgoingEmail.objects.send( template_name="product_request", subject="Złożono zapytanie ofertowe",, context={"product": variant, "admin_url": admin_url}, sender=settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL ) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Could not send email for variant pk={variant_pk}, exception: {e} has occured") else: if not send: logger.exception(f"Could not send email for variant pk={variant_pk}")