title: Introduction tags: Introduction TiddlyWiki5 gains new capabilities through a [[completely rebuilt architecture|TiddlyWikiArchitecture]] using the latest features of HTML5 and node.js. It runs natively under node.js, and can also use its own components to construct a version of itself that works entirely within the browser, just as TiddlyWiki has always done. You can modify this wiki, and then download a copy by clicking this button: <> You can download a static copy of the tiddlers that are currently displayed in this wiki by clicking this button: <> {{alert alert-error{ Try out the prototype touch features: * The zooming chooser appears by swiping into the left edge of the screen (or hover the mouse over the extreme left edge of the browser window) * The zooming navigator appears by swiping in from the right edge of the screen (not accessible by mouse) }}} Learning more about TiddlyWiki5: * WaysToUseTiddlyWiki discusses the various configurations in which TiddlyWiki5 can be used * Some very rough UserInterfaceSketches showing where it is heading Some useful tiddlers for feature testing: * ImageTests showing different ways of embedding images * SampleData showing how JSON tiddlers are handled * SampleJavaScript and SampleJavaScriptWithError showing how JavaScript code is displayed * VideoTests showing how different online video formats can be embedded * SliderTests showing how sliders work * TypedBlockTests showing how embedded typed text blocks work * ShadowTiddlers, including ViewTemplate, EditTemplate and PageTemplate Technical documentation includes: * [[Testing]] regimen * Details of the CommandLineInterface * Overview of TiddlyWikiArchitecture ** MacroInternals * Information about TiddlerFiles and RecipeFiles * NewWikiTextFeatures All tiddlers: <>