title: Docs tags: docs introduction This is the main documentation hub for TiddlyWiki. See also the DeveloperDocs. ! Editions TiddlyWiki5 can be used via these editions: {{{ [tag[edition]sort[title]] }}} ! How to use TiddlyWiki5 {{{ [tag[howto]sort[title]] }}} ! Concepts The core concepts underlying TiddlyWiki are: * [[Tiddlers]] * [[Wiki]] * TiddlyWiki * WikiText The machinery tying those concepts together includes: * TiddlerFilters * TiddlerFields * TiddlerTemplates * DataTiddlers * ContentType * ShadowTiddlers * [[Plugins]] * [[Modules]] and [[ModuleType]] ! Wiki Text Rules These are the individual rules that make up WikiText: {{{ [tag[wikitextrule]sort[title]] }}} ! Widgets Widgets give WikiText dynamic functionality: {{{ [tag[widget]sort[title]] }}} ! Commands When run under node.js, TiddlyWiki supports a [[command line interface|TiddlyWiki5 Node Edition]] with the following built-in commands: {{{ [tag[command]sort[title]] }}} ! Miscellaneous * ReportingBugs * JeremyRuston (aka [[Jermolene]]) * FederatialLimited * [[History]] * [[Acknowledgements]]