/*\ title: js/JavaScriptParser.js Parses JavaScript source code into a parse tree using PEGJS \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true */ "use strict"; var WikiTextParseTree = require("./WikiTextParseTree.js").WikiTextParseTree, Renderer = require("./Renderer.js").Renderer, Dependencies = require("./Dependencies.js").Dependencies, esprima = require("esprima"); // Initialise the parser var JavaScriptParser = function(options) { this.store = options.store; }; // Parse a string of JavaScript code or JSON and return the parse tree as a wikitext parse tree JavaScriptParser.prototype.parse = function(type,code) { // Try to parse the code var parseTree; try { parseTree = esprima.parse(code,{comment: true,tokens: true,range: true}); } catch(ex) { // Return a helpful error if the parse failed return new WikiTextParseTree([ Renderer.ElementNode("pre",{"class": "javascript-source"},[ Renderer.TextNode(code.substring(0,ex.index)), Renderer.ErrorNode(ex), Renderer.TextNode(code.substring(ex.index)) ]) ],new Dependencies(),this.store); } // Helpers to render the comments and tokens with the appropriate classes var self = this, result = [], nextComment = 0, nextToken = 0, currPos = 0; var renderWhitespace = function(nextPos) { if(currPos < nextPos) { result.push(Renderer.TextNode(code.substring(currPos,nextPos))); } }, renderComment = function(comment) { var text = comment.value, element, classes = ["javascript-comment"], content = []; renderWhitespace(comment.range[0]); if(comment.type === "Block") { element = "div"; classes.push("javascript-block-comment"); content.push(Renderer.TextNode("/*")); } else { element = "span"; classes.push("javascript-line-comment"); content.push(Renderer.TextNode("//")); } content.push.apply(content,self.store.parseText("text/x-tiddlywiki",text).tree); if(comment.type === "Block") { content.push(Renderer.TextNode("*/")); } else { content.push(Renderer.TextNode("\n")); } result.push(Renderer.ElementNode(element,{"class": classes},content)); currPos = comment.range[1] + 1; }, renderToken = function(token) { renderWhitespace(token.range[0]); result.push(Renderer.ElementNode("span",{ "class": "javascript-" + token.type.toLowerCase() },[ Renderer.TextNode(token.value) ])); currPos = token.range[1] + 1; }; // Process the tokens interleaved with the comments while(nextComment < parseTree.comments.length || nextToken < parseTree.tokens.length) { if(nextComment < parseTree.comments.length && nextToken < parseTree.tokens.length) { if(parseTree.comments[nextComment].range[0] < parseTree.tokens[nextToken].range[0]) { renderComment(parseTree.comments[nextComment++]); } else { renderToken(parseTree.tokens[nextToken++]); } } else if(nextComment < parseTree.comments.length) { renderComment(parseTree.comments[nextComment++]); } else { renderToken(parseTree.tokens[nextToken++]); } } renderWhitespace(code.length); // Wrap the whole lot in a `
	return new WikiTextParseTree([
			Renderer.ElementNode("pre",{"class": "javascript-source"},result)
		],new Dependencies(),this.store);

exports.JavaScriptParser = JavaScriptParser;
