var async = require('../lib/async'); exports['auto'] = function(test){ var callOrder = []; var testdata = [{test: 'test'}];{ task1: ['task2', function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task1'); callback(); }, 25); }], task2: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task2'); callback(); }, 50); }, task3: ['task2', function(callback){ callOrder.push('task3'); callback(); }], task4: ['task1', 'task2', function(callback){ callOrder.push('task4'); callback(); }] }, function(err){ test.same(callOrder, ['task2','task3','task1','task4']); test.done(); }); }; exports['auto results'] = function(test){ var callOrder = [];{ task1: ['task2', function(callback, results){ test.same(results.task2, 'task2'); setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task1'); callback(null, 'task1a', 'task1b'); }, 25); }], task2: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callOrder.push('task2'); callback(null, 'task2'); }, 50); }, task3: ['task2', function(callback, results){ test.same(results.task2, 'task2'); callOrder.push('task3'); callback(null); }], task4: ['task1', 'task2', function(callback, results){ test.same(results.task1, ['task1a','task1b']); test.same(results.task2, 'task2'); callOrder.push('task4'); callback(null, 'task4'); }] }, function(err, results){ test.same(callOrder, ['task2','task3','task1','task4']); test.same(results, {task1: ['task1a','task1b'], task2: 'task2', task3: undefined, task4: 'task4'}); test.done(); }); }; exports['auto empty object'] = function(test){{}, function(err){ test.done(); }); }; exports['auto error'] = function(test){ test.expect(1);{ task1: function(callback){ callback('testerror'); }, task2: ['task1', function(callback){ test.ok(false, 'task2 should not be called'); callback(); }], task3: function(callback){ callback('testerror2'); } }, function(err){ test.equals(err, 'testerror'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 100); }; exports['auto no callback'] = function(test){{ task1: function(callback){callback();}, task2: ['task1', function(callback){callback(); test.done();}] }); }; exports['waterfall'] = function(test){ test.expect(6); var call_order = []; async.waterfall([ function(callback){ call_order.push('fn1'); setTimeout(function(){callback(null, 'one', 'two');}, 0); }, function(arg1, arg2, callback){ call_order.push('fn2'); test.equals(arg1, 'one'); test.equals(arg2, 'two'); setTimeout(function(){callback(null, arg1, arg2, 'three');}, 25); }, function(arg1, arg2, arg3, callback){ call_order.push('fn3'); test.equals(arg1, 'one'); test.equals(arg2, 'two'); test.equals(arg3, 'three'); callback(null, 'four'); }, function(arg4, callback){ call_order.push('fn4'); test.same(call_order, ['fn1','fn2','fn3','fn4']); callback(null, 'test'); } ], function(err){ test.done(); }); }; exports['waterfall empty array'] = function(test){ async.waterfall([], function(err){ test.done(); }); }; exports['waterfall no callback'] = function(test){ async.waterfall([ function(callback){callback();}, function(callback){callback(); test.done();} ]); }; exports['waterfall async'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.waterfall([ function(callback){ call_order.push(1); callback(); call_order.push(2); }, function(callback){ call_order.push(3); callback(); }, function(){ test.same(call_order, [1,2,3]); test.done(); } ]); }; exports['waterfall error'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.waterfall([ function(callback){ callback('error'); }, function(callback){ test.ok(false, 'next function should not be called'); callback(); } ], function(err){ test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 50); }; exports['waterfall multiple callback calls'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; var arr = [ function(callback){ call_order.push(1); // call the callback twice. this should call function 2 twice callback(null, 'one', 'two'); callback(null, 'one', 'two'); }, function(arg1, arg2, callback){ call_order.push(2); callback(null, arg1, arg2, 'three'); }, function(arg1, arg2, arg3, callback){ call_order.push(3); callback(null, 'four'); }, function(arg4){ call_order.push(4); arr[3] = function(){ call_order.push(4); test.same(call_order, [1,2,2,3,3,4,4]); test.done(); }; } ]; async.waterfall(arr); }; exports['parallel'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.parallel([ function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(1); callback(null, 1); }, 50); }, function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(2); callback(null, 2); }, 100); }, function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(3); callback(null, 3,3); }, 25); } ], function(err, results){ test.equals(err, null); test.same(call_order, [3,1,2]); test.same(results, [1,2,[3,3]]); test.done(); }); }; exports['parallel empty array'] = function(test){ async.parallel([], function(err, results){ test.equals(err, null); test.same(results, []); test.done(); }); }; exports['parallel error'] = function(test){ async.parallel([ function(callback){ callback('error', 1); }, function(callback){ callback('error2', 2); } ], function(err, results){ test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 100); }; exports['parallel no callback'] = function(test){ async.parallel([ function(callback){callback();}, function(callback){callback(); test.done();}, ]); }; exports['parallel object'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.parallel({ one: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(1); callback(null, 1); }, 25); }, two: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(2); callback(null, 2); }, 50); }, three: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(3); callback(null, 3,3); }, 15); } }, function(err, results){ test.equals(err, null); test.same(call_order, [3,1,2]); test.same(results, { one: 1, two: 2, three: [3,3] }); test.done(); }); }; exports['series'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.series([ function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(1); callback(null, 1); }, 25); }, function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(2); callback(null, 2); }, 50); }, function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(3); callback(null, 3,3); }, 15); } ], function(err, results){ test.equals(err, null); test.same(results, [1,2,[3,3]]); test.same(call_order, [1,2,3]); test.done(); }); }; exports['series empty array'] = function(test){ async.series([], function(err, results){ test.equals(err, null); test.same(results, []); test.done(); }); }; exports['series error'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.series([ function(callback){ callback('error', 1); }, function(callback){ test.ok(false, 'should not be called'); callback('error2', 2); } ], function(err, results){ test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 100); }; exports['series no callback'] = function(test){ async.series([ function(callback){callback();}, function(callback){callback(); test.done();}, ]); }; exports['series object'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.series({ one: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(1); callback(null, 1); }, 25); }, two: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(2); callback(null, 2); }, 50); }, three: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(3); callback(null, 3,3); }, 15); } }, function(err, results){ test.equals(err, null); test.same(results, { one: 1, two: 2, three: [3,3] }); test.same(call_order, [1,2,3]); test.done(); }); }; exports['iterator'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; var iterator = async.iterator([ function(){call_order.push(1);}, function(arg1){ test.equals(arg1, 'arg1'); call_order.push(2); }, function(arg1, arg2){ test.equals(arg1, 'arg1'); test.equals(arg2, 'arg2'); call_order.push(3); } ]); iterator(); test.same(call_order, [1]); var iterator2 = iterator(); test.same(call_order, [1,1]); var iterator3 = iterator2('arg1'); test.same(call_order, [1,1,2]); var iterator4 = iterator3('arg1', 'arg2'); test.same(call_order, [1,1,2,3]); test.equals(iterator4, undefined); test.done(); }; exports['iterator empty array'] = function(test){ var iterator = async.iterator([]); test.equals(iterator(), undefined); test.equals(, undefined); test.done(); }; exports[''] = function(test){ var call_order = []; var iterator = async.iterator([ function(){call_order.push(1);}, function(arg1){ test.equals(arg1, 'arg1'); call_order.push(2); }, function(arg1, arg2){ test.equals(arg1, 'arg1'); test.equals(arg2, 'arg2'); call_order.push(3); } ]); var fn =; var iterator2 = fn('arg1'); test.same(call_order, [2]); iterator2('arg1','arg2'); test.same(call_order, [2,3]); test.equals(, undefined); test.done(); }; exports['forEach'] = function(test){ var args = []; async.forEach([1,3,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ args.push(x); callback(); }, x*25); }, function(err){ test.same(args, [1,2,3]); test.done(); }); }; exports['forEach empty array'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.forEach([], function(x, callback){ test.ok(false, 'iterator should not be called'); callback(); }, function(err){ test.ok(true, 'should call callback'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 25); }; exports['forEach error'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.forEach([1,2,3], function(x, callback){ callback('error'); }, function(err){ test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 50); }; exports['forEachSeries'] = function(test){ var args = []; async.forEachSeries([1,3,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ args.push(x); callback(); }, x*25); }, function(err){ test.same(args, [1,3,2]); test.done(); }); }; exports['forEachSeries empty array'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.forEachSeries([], function(x, callback){ test.ok(false, 'iterator should not be called'); callback(); }, function(err){ test.ok(true, 'should call callback'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 25); }; exports['forEachSeries error'] = function(test){ test.expect(2); var call_order = []; async.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function(x, callback){ call_order.push(x); callback('error'); }, function(err){ test.same(call_order, [1]); test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 50); }; exports['forEachLimit'] = function(test){ var args = []; var arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; async.forEachLimit(arr, 2, function(x,callback){ setTimeout(function(){ args.push(x); callback(); }, x*5); }, function(err){ test.same(args, arr); test.done(); }); }; exports['forEachLimit empty array'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.forEachLimit([], 2, function(x, callback){ test.ok(false, 'iterator should not be called'); callback(); }, function(err){ test.ok(true, 'should call callback'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 25); }; exports['forEachLimit limit exceeds size'] = function(test){ var args = []; var arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; async.forEachLimit(arr, 20, function(x,callback){ setTimeout(function(){ args.push(x); callback(); }, x*5); }, function(err){ test.same(args, arr); test.done(); }); }; exports['forEachLimit limit equal size'] = function(test){ var args = []; var arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; async.forEachLimit(arr, 10, function(x,callback){ setTimeout(function(){ args.push(x); callback(); }, x*5); }, function(err){ test.same(args, arr); test.done(); }); }; exports['forEachLimit zero limit'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.forEachLimit([0,1,2,3,4,5], 0, function(x, callback){ test.ok(false, 'iterator should not be called'); callback(); }, function(err){ test.ok(true, 'should call callback'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 25); }; exports['forEachLimit error'] = function(test){ test.expect(2); var arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; var call_order = []; async.forEachLimit(arr, 3, function(x, callback){ call_order.push(x); if (x === 2) { callback('error'); } }, function(err){ test.same(call_order, [0,1,2]); test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 25); }; exports['map'] = function(test){ var call_order = [];[1,3,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(null, x*2); }, x*25); }, function(err, results){ test.same(call_order, [1,2,3]); test.same(results, [2,6,4]); test.done(); }); }; exports['map original untouched'] = function(test){ var a = [1,2,3];, function(x, callback){ callback(null, x*2); }, function(err, results){ test.same(results, [2,4,6]); test.same(a, [1,2,3]); test.done(); }); }; exports['map error'] = function(test){ test.expect(1);[1,2,3], function(x, callback){ callback('error'); }, function(err, results){ test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 50); }; exports['mapSeries'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.mapSeries([1,3,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(null, x*2); }, x*25); }, function(err, results){ test.same(call_order, [1,3,2]); test.same(results, [2,6,4]); test.done(); }); }; exports['mapSeries error'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.mapSeries([1,2,3], function(x, callback){ callback('error'); }, function(err, results){ test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 50); }; exports['reduce'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.reduce([1,2,3], 0, function(a, x, callback){ call_order.push(x); callback(null, a + x); }, function(err, result){ test.equals(result, 6); test.same(call_order, [1,2,3]); test.done(); }); }; exports['reduce async with non-reference memo'] = function(test){ async.reduce([1,3,2], 0, function(a, x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(null, a + x)}, Math.random()*100); }, function(err, result){ test.equals(result, 6); test.done(); }); }; exports['reduce error'] = function(test){ test.expect(1); async.reduce([1,2,3], 0, function(a, x, callback){ callback('error'); }, function(err, result){ test.equals(err, 'error'); }); setTimeout(test.done, 50); }; exports['inject alias'] = function(test){ test.equals(async.inject, async.reduce); test.done(); }; exports['foldl alias'] = function(test){ test.equals(async.foldl, async.reduce); test.done(); }; exports['reduceRight'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; var a = [1,2,3]; async.reduceRight(a, 0, function(a, x, callback){ call_order.push(x); callback(null, a + x); }, function(err, result){ test.equals(result, 6); test.same(call_order, [3,2,1]); test.same(a, [1,2,3]); test.done(); }); }; exports['foldr alias'] = function(test){ test.equals(async.foldr, async.reduceRight); test.done(); }; exports['filter'] = function(test){ async.filter([3,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(x % 2);}, x*25); }, function(results){ test.same(results, [3,1]); test.done(); }); }; exports['filter original untouched'] = function(test){ var a = [3,1,2]; async.filter(a, function(x, callback){ callback(x % 2); }, function(results){ test.same(results, [3,1]); test.same(a, [3,1,2]); test.done(); }); }; exports['filterSeries'] = function(test){ async.filterSeries([3,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(x % 2);}, x*25); }, function(results){ test.same(results, [3,1]); test.done(); }); }; exports['select alias'] = function(test){ test.equals(, async.filter); test.done(); }; exports['selectSeries alias'] = function(test){ test.equals(async.selectSeries, async.filterSeries); test.done(); }; exports['reject'] = function(test){ async.reject([3,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(x % 2);}, x*25); }, function(results){ test.same(results, [2]); test.done(); }); }; exports['reject original untouched'] = function(test){ var a = [3,1,2]; async.reject(a, function(x, callback){ callback(x % 2); }, function(results){ test.same(results, [2]); test.same(a, [3,1,2]); test.done(); }); }; exports['rejectSeries'] = function(test){ async.rejectSeries([3,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(x % 2);}, x*25); }, function(results){ test.same(results, [2]); test.done(); }); }; exports['some true'] = function(test){ async.some([3,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(x === 1);}, 0); }, function(result){ test.equals(result, true); test.done(); }); }; exports['some false'] = function(test){ async.some([3,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(x === 10);}, 0); }, function(result){ test.equals(result, false); test.done(); }); }; exports['some early return'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.some([1,2,3], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(x === 1); }, x*25); }, function(result){ call_order.push('callback'); }); setTimeout(function(){ test.same(call_order, [1,'callback',2,3]); test.done(); }, 100); }; exports['any alias'] = function(test){ test.equals(async.any, async.some); test.done(); }; exports['every true'] = function(test){ async.every([1,2,3], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(true);}, 0); }, function(result){ test.equals(result, true); test.done(); }); }; exports['every false'] = function(test){ async.every([1,2,3], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(x % 2);}, 0); }, function(result){ test.equals(result, false); test.done(); }); }; exports['every early return'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.every([1,2,3], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(x === 1); }, x*25); }, function(result){ call_order.push('callback'); }); setTimeout(function(){ test.same(call_order, [1,2,'callback',3]); test.done(); }, 100); }; exports['all alias'] = function(test){ test.equals(async.all, async.every); test.done(); }; exports['detect'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.detect([3,2,1], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(x == 2); }, x*25); }, function(result){ call_order.push('callback'); test.equals(result, 2); }); setTimeout(function(){ test.same(call_order, [1,2,'callback',3]); test.done(); }, 100); }; exports['detect - mulitple matches'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.detect([3,2,2,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(x == 2); }, x*25); }, function(result){ call_order.push('callback'); test.equals(result, 2); }); setTimeout(function(){ test.same(call_order, [1,2,'callback',2,2,3]); test.done(); }, 100); }; exports['detectSeries'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.detectSeries([3,2,1], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(x == 2); }, x*25); }, function(result){ call_order.push('callback'); test.equals(result, 2); }); setTimeout(function(){ test.same(call_order, [3,2,'callback']); test.done(); }, 200); }; exports['detectSeries - multiple matches'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.detectSeries([3,2,2,1,2], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); callback(x == 2); }, x*25); }, function(result){ call_order.push('callback'); test.equals(result, 2); }); setTimeout(function(){ test.same(call_order, [3,2,'callback']); test.done(); }, 200); }; exports['sortBy'] = function(test){ async.sortBy([{a:1},{a:15},{a:6}], function(x, callback){ setTimeout(function(){callback(null, x.a);}, 0); }, function(err, result){ test.same(result, [{a:1},{a:6},{a:15}]); test.done(); }); }; exports['apply'] = function(test){ test.expect(6); var fn = function(){ test.same(, [1,2,3,4]) }; async.apply(fn, 1, 2, 3, 4)(); async.apply(fn, 1, 2, 3)(4); async.apply(fn, 1, 2)(3, 4); async.apply(fn, 1)(2, 3, 4); async.apply(fn)(1, 2, 3, 4); test.equals( async.apply(function(name){return 'hello ' + name}, 'world')(), 'hello world' ); test.done(); }; // generates tests for console functions such as async.log var console_fn_tests = function(name){ if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { exports[name] = function(test){ test.expect(5); var fn = function(arg1, callback){ test.equals(arg1, 'one'); setTimeout(function(){callback(null, 'test');}, 0); }; var fn_err = function(arg1, callback){ test.equals(arg1, 'one'); setTimeout(function(){callback('error');}, 0); }; var _console_fn = console[name]; var _error = console.error; console[name] = function(val){ test.equals(val, 'test'); test.equals(arguments.length, 1); console.error = function(val){ test.equals(val, 'error'); console[name] = _console_fn; console.error = _error; test.done(); }; async[name](fn_err, 'one'); }; async[name](fn, 'one'); }; exports[name + ' with multiple result params'] = function(test){ var fn = function(callback){callback(null,'one','two','three');}; var _console_fn = console[name]; var called_with = []; console[name] = function(x){ called_with.push(x); }; async[name](fn); test.same(called_with, ['one','two','three']); console[name] = _console_fn; test.done(); }; } // browser-only test exports[name + ' without console.' + name] = function(test){ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { var _console = window.console; window.console = undefined; var fn = function(callback){callback(null, 'val');}; var fn_err = function(callback){callback('error');}; async[name](fn); async[name](fn_err); window.console = _console; } test.done(); }; }; console_fn_tests('log'); console_fn_tests('dir'); /*console_fn_tests('info'); console_fn_tests('warn'); console_fn_tests('error');*/ exports['nextTick'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; async.nextTick(function(){call_order.push('two');}); call_order.push('one'); setTimeout(function(){ test.same(call_order, ['one','two']); test.done(); }, 50); }; exports['nextTick in the browser'] = function(test){ if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { // skip this test in node return test.done(); } test.expect(1); var call_order = []; async.nextTick(function(){call_order.push('two');}); call_order.push('one'); setTimeout(function(){ if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { process.nextTick = _nextTick; } test.same(call_order, ['one','two']); }, 50); setTimeout(test.done, 100); }; exports['noConflict - node only'] = function(test){ if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { // node only test test.expect(3); var fs = require('fs'); var filename = __dirname + '/../lib/async.js'; fs.readFile(filename, function(err, content){ if(err) return test.done(); var Script = process.binding('evals').Script; var s = new Script(content, filename); var s2 = new Script( content + 'this.async2 = this.async.noConflict();', filename ); var sandbox1 = {async: 'oldvalue'}; s.runInNewContext(sandbox1); test.ok(sandbox1.async); var sandbox2 = {async: 'oldvalue'}; s2.runInNewContext(sandbox2); test.equals(sandbox2.async, 'oldvalue'); test.ok(sandbox2.async2); test.done(); }); } else test.done(); }; exports['concat'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; var iterator = function (x, cb) { setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); var r = []; while (x > 0) { r.push(x); x--; } cb(null, r); }, x*25); }; async.concat([1,3,2], iterator, function(err, results){ test.same(results, [1,2,1,3,2,1]); test.same(call_order, [1,2,3]); test.ok(!err); test.done(); }); }; exports['concat error'] = function(test){ var iterator = function (x, cb) { cb(new Error('test error')); }; async.concat([1,2,3], iterator, function(err, results){ test.ok(err); test.done(); }); }; exports['concatSeries'] = function(test){ var call_order = []; var iterator = function (x, cb) { setTimeout(function(){ call_order.push(x); var r = []; while (x > 0) { r.push(x); x--; } cb(null, r); }, x*25); }; async.concatSeries([1,3,2], iterator, function(err, results){ test.same(results, [1,3,2,1,2,1]); test.same(call_order, [1,3,2]); test.ok(!err); test.done(); }); }; exports['until'] = function (test) { var call_order = []; var count = 0; async.until( function () { call_order.push(['test', count]); return (count == 5); }, function (cb) { call_order.push(['iterator', count]); count++; cb(); }, function (err) { test.same(call_order, [ ['test', 0], ['iterator', 0], ['test', 1], ['iterator', 1], ['test', 2], ['iterator', 2], ['test', 3], ['iterator', 3], ['test', 4], ['iterator', 4], ['test', 5], ]); test.equals(count, 5); test.done(); } ); }; exports['whilst'] = function (test) { var call_order = []; var count = 0; async.whilst( function () { call_order.push(['test', count]); return (count < 5); }, function (cb) { call_order.push(['iterator', count]); count++; cb(); }, function (err) { test.same(call_order, [ ['test', 0], ['iterator', 0], ['test', 1], ['iterator', 1], ['test', 2], ['iterator', 2], ['test', 3], ['iterator', 3], ['test', 4], ['iterator', 4], ['test', 5], ]); test.equals(count, 5); test.done(); } ); }; exports['queue'] = function (test) { var call_order = [], delays = [40,20,60,20]; // worker1: --1-4 // worker2: -2---3 // order of completion: 2,1,4,3 var q = async.queue(function (task, callback) { setTimeout(function () { call_order.push('process ' + task); callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.splice(0,1)[0]); }, 2); q.push(1, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 1); call_order.push('callback ' + 1); }); q.push(2, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 2); call_order.push('callback ' + 2); }); q.push(3, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 0); call_order.push('callback ' + 3); }); q.push(4, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 0); call_order.push('callback ' + 4); }); test.equal(q.length(), 4); test.equal(q.concurrency, 2); setTimeout(function () { test.same(call_order, [ 'process 2', 'callback 2', 'process 1', 'callback 1', 'process 4', 'callback 4', 'process 3', 'callback 3' ]); test.equal(q.concurrency, 2); test.equal(q.length(), 0); test.done(); }, 200); }; exports['queue changing concurrency'] = function (test) { var call_order = [], delays = [40,20,60,20]; // worker1: --1-2---3-4 // order of completion: 1,2,3,4 var q = async.queue(function (task, callback) { setTimeout(function () { call_order.push('process ' + task); callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.splice(0,1)[0]); }, 2); q.push(1, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 3); call_order.push('callback ' + 1); }); q.push(2, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 2); call_order.push('callback ' + 2); }); q.push(3, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 1); call_order.push('callback ' + 3); }); q.push(4, function (err, arg) { test.equal(err, 'error'); test.equal(arg, 'arg'); test.equal(q.length(), 0); call_order.push('callback ' + 4); }); test.equal(q.length(), 4); test.equal(q.concurrency, 2); q.concurrency = 1; setTimeout(function () { test.same(call_order, [ 'process 1', 'callback 1', 'process 2', 'callback 2', 'process 3', 'callback 3', 'process 4', 'callback 4' ]); test.equal(q.concurrency, 1); test.equal(q.length(), 0); test.done(); }, 250); }; exports['queue push without callback'] = function (test) { var call_order = [], delays = [40,20,60,20]; // worker1: --1-4 // worker2: -2---3 // order of completion: 2,1,4,3 var q = async.queue(function (task, callback) { setTimeout(function () { call_order.push('process ' + task); callback('error', 'arg'); }, delays.splice(0,1)[0]); }, 2); q.push(1); q.push(2); q.push(3); q.push(4); setTimeout(function () { test.same(call_order, [ 'process 2', 'process 1', 'process 4', 'process 3' ]); test.done(); }, 200); }; exports['memoize'] = function (test) { test.expect(4); var call_order = []; var fn = function (arg1, arg2, callback) { call_order.push(['fn', arg1, arg2]); callback(null, arg1 + arg2); }; var fn2 = async.memoize(fn); fn2(1, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 3); }); fn2(1, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 3); }); fn2(2, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 4); }); test.same(call_order, [['fn',1,2], ['fn',2,2]]); test.done(); }; exports['unmemoize'] = function(test) { test.expect(4); var call_order = []; var fn = function (arg1, arg2, callback) { call_order.push(['fn', arg1, arg2]); callback(null, arg1 + arg2); }; var fn2 = async.memoize(fn); var fn3 = async.unmemoize(fn2); fn3(1, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 3); }); fn3(1, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 3); }); fn3(2, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 4); }); test.same(call_order, [['fn',1,2], ['fn',1,2], ['fn',2,2]]); test.done(); } exports['unmemoize a not memoized function'] = function(test) { test.expect(1); var fn = function (arg1, arg2, callback) { callback(null, arg1 + arg2); }; var fn2 = async.unmemoize(fn); fn2(1, 2, function(err, result) { test.equal(result, 3); }); test.done(); } exports['memoize error'] = function (test) { test.expect(1); var testerr = new Error('test'); var fn = function (arg1, arg2, callback) { callback(testerr, arg1 + arg2); }; async.memoize(fn)(1, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(err, testerr); }); test.done(); }; exports['memoize multiple calls'] = function (test) { test.expect(3); var fn = function (arg1, arg2, callback) { test.ok(true); setTimeout(function(){ callback(null, arg1, arg2); }, 10); }; var fn2 = async.memoize(fn); fn2(1, 2, function(err, result) { test.equal(result, 1, 2); }); fn2(1, 2, function(err, result) { test.equal(result, 1, 2); test.done(); }); }; exports['memoize custom hash function'] = function (test) { test.expect(2); var testerr = new Error('test'); var fn = function (arg1, arg2, callback) { callback(testerr, arg1 + arg2); }; var fn2 = async.memoize(fn, function () { return 'custom hash'; }); fn2(1, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 3); }); fn2(2, 2, function (err, result) { test.equal(result, 3); }); test.done(); }; // Issue 10 on github: exports['falsy return values in series'] = function (test) { function taskFalse(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null, false); }); }; function taskUndefined(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null, undefined); }); }; function taskEmpty(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null); }); }; function taskNull(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null, null); }); }; async.series( [taskFalse, taskUndefined, taskEmpty, taskNull], function(err, results) { test.equal(results.length, 4); test.strictEqual(results[0], false); test.strictEqual(results[1], undefined); test.strictEqual(results[2], undefined); test.strictEqual(results[3], null); test.done(); } ); }; // Issue 10 on github: exports['falsy return values in parallel'] = function (test) { function taskFalse(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null, false); }); }; function taskUndefined(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null, undefined); }); }; function taskEmpty(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null); }); }; function taskNull(callback) { async.nextTick(function() { callback(null, null); }); }; async.parallel( [taskFalse, taskUndefined, taskEmpty, taskNull], function(err, results) { test.equal(results.length, 4); test.strictEqual(results[0], false); test.strictEqual(results[1], undefined); test.strictEqual(results[2], undefined); test.strictEqual(results[3], null); test.done(); } ); }; exports['queue events'] = function(test) { var calls = []; var q = async.queue(function(task, cb) { // nop calls.push('process ' + task); cb(); }, 3); q.saturated = function() { test.ok(q.length() == 3, 'queue should be saturated now'); calls.push('saturated'); }; q.empty = function() { test.ok(q.length() == 0, 'queue should be empty now'); calls.push('empty'); }; q.drain = function() { test.ok( q.length() == 0 && q.running() == 0, 'queue should be empty now and no more workers should be running' ); calls.push('drain'); test.same(calls, [ 'saturated', 'process foo', 'foo cb', 'process bar', 'bar cb', 'process zoo', 'zoo cb', 'process poo', 'poo cb', 'empty', 'process moo', 'moo cb', 'drain', ]); test.done(); }; q.push('foo', function () {calls.push('foo cb');}); q.push('bar', function () {calls.push('bar cb');}); q.push('zoo', function () {calls.push('zoo cb');}); q.push('poo', function () {calls.push('poo cb');}); q.push('moo', function () {calls.push('moo cb');}); };